Peru, Indiana



Genealogy Links

Other McDougle Homepages



These pages are being used for a variety of strange and wonderful things.  Looking a bit more strange than wonderful.

Family History   The password is blue

Family names: McDougle, Eytcheson, Davis, Driscoll, Lynch, Gordon, Cox, Williams...

Around 11327 Individuals, 2587 Surnames and 3914 families.  It's growing every day.

                             If you see a mistake or want to add someone let me know


News about my Kids, Grandkids and Various and Sundry Critters And Other Relations.

Any New or Unusual links that may be of interest. 

If I have lost my mind yet ( This subject to my opinion not yours, thank you )


It will continue to grow and evolve as I find the time and or the inspiration so please enjoy.


Dave Mc